The Vaisakh News Letter

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The Vaisakh News Letter is a monthly magazine published and circulated by the World Teacher Trust under the guidance of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar. It is named after Vaisakh Valley, a sacred centre in the Himalayas from ancient times.

The Divine functions through eligible humans. It is them the humanity honours recognizes as Masters of Wisdom. In Sanskrit the Masters of Wisdom are styled as “Maharshis”. The WTT acknowledges all such teachings coming through various Masters from time to time. The Vaisakh News Letter presents such teachings of Masters through seed thoughts expressed by them. They are elaborated and described by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar for easier comprehension of an average reader.

The Vaisakh News Letter is edited in electronic versions in German, in English, French and Spanish.
For free subscriptions please contact the World Teacher Trust - Global.

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