  • The Power of sound
  • Rhythm and ritual
  • Listening to the silence

The Power of sound

To utter OM regularly in groups has a better effect on the subtle planes for world peace than peace demonstrations.

Rhythm and ritual

All rhythms and rituals finally aim at transforming the matter of our body in a natural way in order to enable a faster development.

Listening to the silence

When we listen to the silence, we will hear a humming sound. This is the voice of silence, the soundless sound which is heard in the heart centre.

Healing Prayer

“Meditation is not a doing, but a happening”

Meditations and Rituals | Prayers and Invocations
Meditations, Mantras, Rituals Workbook PDF
Healing Meditation | Book: Science of Healing
Book: Healer's Handbook | Download print version of the prayer


Healing Prayer

Let us form the Circle of Planetary Healers.

Let the Chief Life descend and penetrate.

Let Merry Life preside over and function.

Let Healing happen at all levels.

Let mineral, plant, animal and

Human be Healed and Harmonised.

May the Angels cooperate

And fulfill the plan of Healers upon Earth.

Master KPK