  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


Existence and Consciousness


Existence is being, consciousness is becoming. Being is unchanging; existence is the same on all planes. Consciousness and existence are always together on all planes. The changeable part is always connected with the unchangeable part and plays its part. While the unchanging part remains stable, the changing part builds the different planes of existence. Mutability and immutability, therefore, together guide the whole work.

When there is no creation, the two become one, and we cannot identify existence or awareness separately. When they are one, they are called Brahman, the Absolute God. In the Absolute God, consciousness is hidden. Whenever an impulse to create emerges, consciousness emerges, just as something awakens us from sleep every morning. The impulse arises from the cosmic essence. It comes as a point, unfolds, and becomes great. It is a state in which One becomes Two. Thus, in this state, existence along with consciousness becomes very great, when matter and atoms emerge as if by magic from seeming nothingness. Aquarius represents this state, if it can be called a state at all.

When the impulse arises, an energy emerges that becomes the Male-Female God. The male dimension remains unchanging, but in conjunction with the female dimension, called the Mother energy, the planes of existence evolve from the original consciousness with the various stages of consciousness and matter. The one Sound becomes many sounds, the one Light becomes many lights.

Mitra and Varuna

The two energies emanating from consciousness are called the cosmic twins or the Ashwins in the wisdom teachings. On all successive planes they form the content and the container, the carrier for the content. The content is one part of the Ashwins, and the vessel is the other part. If we want to have milk, we need a container. Without a container, the content cannot be held. And as content, only as much is given as the container can hold. We can only receive as much wisdom as we can absorb with our consciousness. Our container is too small to receive all wisdom.

The principles of content and container appear on all planes, but they are called by different names. On the supra-cosmic planes of creation, they are Mitra and Varuna. Mitra is the cosmic essence; Varuna is the cosmic nature. In relation to the Absolute God, Mitra is male and Varuna is a female principle. Mitra is the positive, stable, permanent energy. Varuna is the moving and permeating energy. It moves with immeasurable speed and prepares the containers in which the content can remain in different states. Mitra is the energy that dwells in the forms produced by Varuna. Mitra rules the East, Varuna the West. The East symbolically represents spirit, the West symbolically represents matter. The West in us is the higher Muladhara, the East is the Ajna centre.

Mitra and Varuna are called “Nasatyas”, the non-unreal entities, because they are beyond the real and unreal. They are called “Vimana” (the immeasurable measures) in the Mahabharata. They form the immeasurable expression of time and space, of the divine breath. They form the special measures of creation when they symbolically descend to the cosmic plane as the winged twin horses, which are but a pair. The two streams of energy coming from the one source flow in two opposite directions. The flow of energy called Mitra on the supra-cosmic plane is called Vasishta on the next plane, the cosmic plane, while the equivalent of Varuna is called Agastya.

Vasishta and Agastya are great cosmic seers. The Mitra Hierarchy is associated with the Great Bear on the solar plane. The Great Bear has four stars as a square and three stars in the form of a tail. Vasishta focuses his energy through the central star of the apparent tail, while the power of Agastya acts through Sirius, the Dog Star. On the next plane, Vasishta acts through Neptune and Varuna through Uranus. The representatives of the vertical line of Mitra / Vasishta on Earth are Lord Maitreya and the Hierarchy in the Himalayas. The name Maitreya comes from Mitra. Mitra means 'friend', and Maitreya is the embodiment of friendliness. With Maitreya as the World Teacher, the Hierarchy works with the Northern Ashram in the Himalayas for the unfoldment of the indwelling consciousness. This Hierarchy of Vasishta carries out the activities relating to the unfoldment of consciousness and the evolution of beings on the planet, which require long duration.

The representative of the lineage of Varuna is Master Jupiter with his ashram in the Nilagiris, the blue mountains of South India. Agastya / Master Jupiter works in the southern hemisphere with the south pole as the formative pole. His energies work through the Muladhara and they create the body.

Acceleration of Evolution

While in general the evolution of consciousness is guided by the Ashram in the Himalayas, in times of crisis there is a push from the Ashram of the South to accelerate evolution and support the hierarchical work. Agastya works to bring down or materialize the spirit in a new way.

Varuna / Uranus represents conscious simultaneous existence on all planes of existence and consciousness. When the energy approaches humanity, as it is now at the beginning of the Aquarian Age, it causes a sudden expansion of consciousness. The cosmic rays of Mitra and Varuna will be discovered by scientists through the influence of Uranus. The keynote of Aquarius is speed, and the energy working there is the Varuna energy. Varuna is the energy that causes penetration and thus faster transformation. Due to the influence of Varuna there was the nuclear fission and the unfoldment of a huge knowledge, which was unknown in the 19th century.

The contact with the Uranian energy may last only a few seconds, but its effects, both positive and negative, last for a long time. For individuals on the lower planes of society, this planet causes very sudden and profound changes that lead to unrest and disorder in society. Its motto is “bend or break”. This impulse wants to help people to enter subjectivity faster and to go through the necessary transformations to transcend the myth of death and to remain stable in the light of Buddhi.

It is said that this energy coming from Brahman, the Absolute God, according to the divine Plan, reached our solar system from the supra-cosmic plane via Varuna, Sirius and then Uranus. Uranus transmitted it via the central sun of Leo, Regulus, into our solar system. There the energy was picked up by Halley's comet and directed to the Earth. When the Earth passed through the tail of the comet on March 31, 1910, the energy was received in a very extraordinary way by Master CVV. He assimilated it inside of himself for 60 days, experimented with it during that time and caused its distribution on the Earth during 11 years, 11 months, and 11 days. Thus, there was a new descent of the Aquarian energy through many intelligences. Master CVV called the path that the descent of the energy from Brahman followed 'MTA', 'Matter-Time-Atom'.

Yoga of the New Age

Since the Master is completely filled with Brahman, he ceased to be Master CVV and represents Brahman only. Therefore, everyone who looks at him experiences the touch of Brahman. It is the Brahman that transmits itself. In this way, Master CVV has become the first medium of Brahman. The original Master is Brahman. Therefore, when we say “Master Namaskaram” or “Namaskarams Master,” the first obeisance is to Brahman. Then we say “Namaskarams Master CVV” because the MASTER has entered into Master CVV and Master CVV has become the Omnipresent One. And every other medium finally transforms into Brahman. When we are filled with Brahman and express ourselves, it is Brahman that expresses itself.

Thus, in the yoga of Master CVV, a path is created where anyone who fills himself with the energy of the Master, only the energy of the Master is transmitted through the eyes, speech, or touch. It is no longer - as before - the energy of an individual. In this way, a medium can act as a Master, because the energy of the MASTER transmits itself. In the science of Tantra, the sound 'VAM or 'VI' is the sound of Varuna. To receive the cosmic Varuna energy in the morning and in the evening, which causes the transformations, we speak the sounds 'CVV' (like 'see wee wee').

The yoga of Master CVV is called a “Yoga of the New Age”. It was given to accelerate the evolution of beings on the planet. The most important aspect of this new yoga path is its speed. It helps to realize the conscious, simultaneous existence on all planes of existence and consciousness. The expansion of consciousness connects man with the cosmic and even supracosmic planes.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age; div. seminar notes. Dhanishta Publications, Visakhapatnam, India (www.aquariusbookhouse.com)