  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Transition Period

Adapting to Transition

Transition Period

We are in a time of crises, change and transition. The books of Master Djwhal Khul and other writings of the wisdom teachings speak of this transition, and it is happening now. We are seeing new patterns slowly emerging, even though it seems that the old patterns continue to prevail. We are at a point today where personal views, the views of groups, nations and even individual groups of people need to be subordinated to the global good. We are fortunate that we can be part of this transition where things are being balanced.

According to the law, or dharma, all nations are being balanced based on their values. It is the values that will eventually prevail. Nations will survive on the basis of their values and their destiny is now at stake. Certain nations that are considered leaders may no longer be leaders, and certain other nations that are internally strong because of their human qualities may rise.

Boundaries and limitations are beginning to dissolve in favour of a greater whole, and we are part of this whole. We have developed ideas and concepts in many areas of life that we hold on to. But our ideas can also be our limitations. When we have to let go of our ideas and stable opinions of how things should be, it can be unsettling and cause anxiety. But change can also help us to awaken and open our eyes. It is good to realise from time to time that we are in a time of change and this understanding helps us to adapt to the transition.

Certain doors have closed, but new dimensions of time will open. We are not to remain in old rhythms and pretend that this transition does not exist and continue to do everything as we have always done. The transition brings new rhythms and we are to recognize and connect with them. We have the ability to cope with the changes much more easily than before. We need not be afraid and withdraw from the world. It helps our energy and mental health if we engage with the outer world only as much as is necessary and especially if we are committed to acts of goodwill. If we are temporarily restricted in our freedom of movement, we can use this time to turn more inwards, to study books or to help others instead of passively consumping media.

This is a time of transition for all of humanity and we need to be active participants. We should both be the transition and the change. We do not need to talk about it unless a discussion develops and we are asked to. We do not have to lecture anyone unless there is a need to do so. It is enough that we are aware of this transition. We can rejoice that a period of great change is taking place and we, the present humanity, can pay our part.

An Accelerated Evolution

Contemporary humanity is experiencing an acceleration of its evolution and many feel the pace of change in many ways. The difference between humans 50 years ago and humans today is astounding. The intelligence quotient is increasing and young people mature mentally much earlier. Parents and grandparents are often not up to the task. They have little to offer their children and grandchildren that could give them a right orientation in life. The progress of science, technology and the media has increased enormously. At the same time, it is becoming painfully clear that there is no longer an older generation that can suggest to the younger ones what is right and what is wrong and thus guide them. Guiding means making one aware of the functions of Nature and humanity’s responsibilities and duties towards Nature. There is also the need to teach the young ones about dealing with sexuality and the profound importance of preserving the purity of birth and the physical body. In today's world we hardly have functioning families, where children can learn to live for each other and share their difficulties, comforts, and feelings. Young adults have to quickly learn on their own how to be good parents and better companions to their children and grandchildren. To be able to guide and accompany the next generation into the future requires more than intelligence and common sense; it requires great knowledge, curiosity, compassion, sympathy, love and a rapid expansion into a new spiritual dimension. More guidance and direction are needed.

Fortunately, we have the teachings of the Masters of Wisdom, and from their teachings we need to learn to guide ourselves and our children. We must try to understand and put into practice the writings of the Masters so that we form a generation that can guide the next generation. We have to introduce ourselves to and understand the truths of Nature before we can guide our next generation.

The Etheric Existence

Every crisis contains and holds its own gifts. The gift for us is the ability to unite the soul and the personality. Then we can work in unison with a Master and the Hierarchy. This is what is intended by the Masters of Wisdom and what we are all to achieve. This time of transition is a great initiation for humanity. The myth of material existence is slowly fading away and more and more people are realising the reality of etheric existence. In the new Aquarian word emerging, things tend to be more etheric than physical. What we think of as solid matter is formed out of space. Even our physical body is formed by the magnetic effect of etheric lines of force. As we cultivate more and more subtle thoughts, our brain is made brighter, lighter, and more intelligent and receptive.

To accelerate this refinement, we should relate to a sound, a colour, a symbol and also with a Master. Above all, the practice of rhythm and exercises with breathing can make the brain more receptive to subtle impulses. Then, we will be able to connect more with the etheric side of our brain and our brain cells build more refined and better tissue. If we submit ourselves to one of the great Teachers, our brain will be reworked even faster.

it is important to put into practice in our daily lives the wisdom we are taught. If we take these steps, the great transition becomes a joy and a pleasure and we are able to progress rapidly. If we do not take these steps and continue to be occupied mainly with worldly things, such as food, clothing, earning money, and entertainment (beyond the necessities), our brain cells become denser and less receptive. Even if we don't adapt to the new energies, the transition will still happen, and we will experience it as very disruptive and painful.

Experience of Immortality

In the past age many sublime concepts were hidden. The energy of the new age coming in through Uranus pervades everything; it exposes the superficiality of false teachings and brings long-buried truths to light. The emphasis is shifting from religion to true knowledge and true science. More and more people around the world are embracing the doctrine of reincarnation, of death and rebirth. 100 years ago, this was unthinkable in many parts of the (civilised) world. As a result of the work of the Uranian energies, there is an experience of a continuity of consciousness, and the myth of death is fading away. The earthly personality identity is mortal, while the supernatural or Soul identity as soul is immortal.

With the supramundane faculty of thought, also called buddhic (wisdom) thought, we experience the continuity of consciousness and realize that there is no death of the soul. We will continue to change our worldly shells, but our identity as a soul will continue. This is the great transition to overcoming the illusion of death and experiencing immortality. If we regularly practise consciously going out of the body in the hours of sleep and have out-of-body experiences, we will no longer fear death.

Uranus is continuously working out the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. In the Aquarian Age, the unexpected always happens, and so we should also be prepared for surprises: “Expect the unexpected”. The global transition happens through methods and situations that cannot be imagined or planned. Only when something happens can we recognise it and work with it. We can learn from mistakes, difficulties, illusions, strokes of fate and also from death. We can learn that everything is divine. It is not our will that is decisive, no matter how great we think we are, but the divine will. Even if we sometimes fall into illusion, it doesn't matter. Krishna says: Everything comes to pass away. Let us enjoy the transition and let it happen. Then we can realise how from the global transformations there arises another greater dimension that is harmonious and whole.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age; div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: The Masters of Wisdom. Dhanishta & Kulapati Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India (www.aquariusbookhouse.com//