  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Science of Correspondence

As above, so below

Nyasa Vidya

“Man know thyself,” various wisdom teachings say. If we know ourselves, we know the universe because we are a reflection of the universal self. “Be it animate or inanimate, in everything divinity can be seen,” the seers explained. From this they concluded that we should first study ourselves and then relate to the cosmos with the law of correspondence. In this way we can penetrate into the secrets of the correspondences between the microcosm and the macrocosm. “As above, so below” is the old hermetic axiom. We are a microcosm and what we call 'God' is the macrocosm. When the microcosm and the macrocosm are connected, we find the whole universe within us.

In order to reach macrocosmic life, we have to begin with the microcosm, that is, we must study ourselves. The seers have explored the universe from within. They visualized the cosmic person within their own frame and thus realized the details of the universe. In order to receive profound impressions undistorted, they have wiped out all impressions in their mind. We too have to keep our mind pure and calm. A pure mind is like a pure mirror that reflects everything precisely.

With the instrument of their virgin mind, the seers have received the subtle impressions of the cosmic dimensions, and they have also explored the time cycles of the past and the future and have verified their insights together with other seers. These insights are kept away from the attention of common people. The secrets are contained in the scriptures, but they are so embedded that they escape the attention of the readers. The subjects are not published as a worked-out hypothesis in any books, and we should not talk much about these things in public. Once we try to discuss them in detail, nature won't let us reveal it. A veil is automatically thrown upon the minds to hide this sublime wisdom. The listeners will question about something irrelevant and drift into another topic.

Nyasa Vidya

The method by which the seers have gained knowledge of the cosmos, the structure of the subtle worlds, and the time cycles is called Nyasa Vidya, or Nyasa for short, the science of superposition. Nyasa is based on the law of correspondence. It is a sublime method through which energies flow from the higher planes to the lower ones. In the exercises, the corresponding higher principles are visualized ('superimposed') in the different parts of one's own body.

According to the approach given by the Sages, we should first become familiarized with the planes of consciousness and also gain mastery of our attitudes. Then we can apply Nyasa to parts of the earth, then to the twelve sun signs and the planets in the body. We can visualize ourselves sitting in the middle of the earth, meditating on the North Pole as our head centre and the South Pole as our base centre, the equator at the solar plexus and the Himalayas at the heart centre. We can apply this meditation to our vertebral column and realize its correspondence with the rotating axis of the earth.

This gradually reveals to us the work of the Masters, the Devas and the intermediaries between them and the human disciples. It connects us with their activities, frees our thoughts from personal influences and purifies us from individual shortcomings. In this way Nyasa Vidya lifts us out of our limitations. We come into contact with the collective minds on the earth and the consciousness of the different nations. The seeds of the different forms of consciousness begin to work within us and we come into contact with the brotherhood of all the many thinkers who work together in the spiritual network of the earth. They are slowly preparing us for cooperation.

In the throat centre we can contemplate all of humanity as one family; at the navel we contemplate the animal kingdom, at the sacral centre we contemplate the plant kingdom, and at the base centre the mineral kingdom.

In the heart we meditate on the Spiritual Hierarchy; in the Ajna Centre on Shamballa, which is hidden in the Gobi Desert. There, in Shamballa, is the Ashram of Sanat Kumara, the king of all planetary beings, and on his forehead is the magnificent gem of Chintamani. In the seventh centre, the Sahasrara, we meditate on the World Mother; she is the expression of the Father.

The Masters instruct their disciples and followers to practice Nyasa Vidya regularly and systematically, preferably daily. If we contemplate at least once a week for some time on the cosmic person, then the cosmic directions, the zodiac, the relationship to the planets, on Shamballa, the Hierarchy up to the World Mother, our body gradually gets accustomed to these planes.

In the microcosm of our body many intelligences are awakened, a power of thought awakens in us and the centres are enlivened. If we respect the activities of the intelligences that work in the universe and in us as well, then they will work better for us. We receive the support of the larger system to help us fulfil our little plans on earth.

We can also identify with the planets and the solar system, with the guides of the solar system, with the signs of the zodiac, the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. When we engage ourselves in this way, limitations no longer exist for us and we become universal.

Astrological Contemplations

The science of correspondence discovered by the ancient sages is very sacred. It is the basis of astrology and has nothing to do with astrological predictions. Here the outer Sun is identified with the inner Sun, which is our consciousness; Moon stands for reflections, for our thoughts; Mercury stands for our discernment; Venus for experience, Mars for vitality, force and power; Jupiter for comprehension and insight; Saturn for our instinct to preserve, Uranus for our fast expansion; Neptune for deeper experience, for inner merging; and Pluto stands for the end of things, but not our ending.

There are a variety of meditations that we can do regarding the planets and the zodiac. We can contemplate the planets in our centres: Jupiter in Sahasrara (crown of the head), the Sun in Ajna (third eye, middle of the forehead), Mercury in the throat (Visuddhi), Venus in the heart (Ahahata), the Moon in the solar plexus (Manipuraka), Mars in the sacral centre (Swadhistana), Saturn in Muladhara (base centre); Uranus in the higher Muladhara; Neptune in the higher heart centre; and Pluto below the base centre. This contemplation helps us to manifest the Plan.

We can also contemplate our birth chart in the body or the signs where the planets are in transit - Aries at the top of the head; Taurus as theface, from eyebrows downward; Gemini as throat and shoulders; Cancer as chest; Leo as diaphragm; Virgo as the part between diaphragm and navel; Libra as navel; Scorpio below the navel to the genitals.

Exoteric (personality-building) astrology assigns hips and thighs to Sagittarius; Capricorn knees; Aquarius calves and ankles; and Pisces feet. Esoteric astrology teaches that from Aries to Scorpio there is the descent of spirit into matter and from the second half of Scorpio, an ascent from matter is possible. Sagittarius is therefore located in the higher Muladhara, Capricorn in the higher heart centre, Aquarius in the higher third eye and Pisces in the uppermost part of the head.

The visualization of the planets in the body is a key to self-transformation and self-realization. Disorders are eliminated and past karma is neutralized, especially when we do it together with the Master CVV prayer. This makes us radiant and magnetic.

We can understand the timepiece as a miniature form of the zodiac and the revolutions of the planets. All twelve signs of the zodiac appear to go ‘round the earth once in each solar day and once in every solar year. The day is a miniature of the year and the year is a miniature of bigger cycles through centuries and Yugas. Each day is divided into four quarters of six hours each, beginning with sunrise. Sunrise corresponds to the waxing half-moon, noon to the full moon, sunset to the waning half-moon, midnight to the new moon. The new moon is akin to the nilness of the creation while the full moon is akin to the fullness of creation.

There are 14 moon phases between each full moon and new moon and they function as principles of the 14 (2 times 7) Manvantaras in miniature. The seven Manvantaras are found on the micro-level in the form of the seven days of a week. All the clues relating to the time cycles are hidden in the lunar phases of the Moon.

The periodicities of the various planets along the geocentric zodiac follow correspondences. For example, the annual Sun takes 30 days to pass through a sign. The Moon takes 30 days for a round and Saturn takes 30 years to complete an entire cycle around the Sun. The days of the Moon agree with the years of Saturn. This is the origin of the method of progressing the planets to read a horoscope. The seeds of karma sown speedily in one life in the subtler planes are reaped slowly through bigger periods of time in the more physical planes. The life that pulsates in us and in the universe is one.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Saraswathi. The Word. Div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India

The Science of Correspondences

As above, so below

Nyasa Vidya

“Man know thyself,” various wisdom teachings say. If we know ourselves, we know the universe because we are a reflection of the universal self. “Be it animate or inanimate, in everything divinity can be seen,” the seers explained. From this they concluded that we should first study ourselves and then relate to the cosmos with the law of correspondence. In this way we can penetrate into the secrets of the correspondences between the microcosm and the macrocosm. “As above, so below” is the old hermetic axiom. We are a microcosm and what we call 'God' is the macrocosm. When the microcosm and the macrocosm are connected, we find the whole universe within us.

In order to reach macrocosmic life, we have to begin with the microcosm, that is, we must study ourselves. The seers have explored the universe from within. They visualized the cosmic person within their own frame and thus realized the details of the universe. In order to receive profound impressions undistorted, they have wiped out all impressions in their mind. We too have to keep our mind pure and calm. A pure mind is like a pure mirror that reflects everything precisely.

With the instrument of their virgin mind, the seers have received the subtle impressions of the cosmic dimensions, and they have also explored the time cycles of the past and the future and have verified their insights together with other seers. These insights are kept away from the attention of common people. The secrets are contained in the scriptures, but they are so embedded that they escape the attention of the readers. The subjects are not published as a worked-out hypothesis in any books, and we should not talk much about these things in public. Once we try to discuss them in detail, nature won't let us reveal it. A veil is automatically thrown upon the minds to hide this sublime wisdom. The listeners will question about something irrelevant and drift into another topic.

Nyasa Vidya

The method by which the seers have gained knowledge of the cosmos, the structure of the subtle worlds, and the time cycles is called Nyasa Vidya, or Nyasa for short, the science of superposition. Nyasa is based on the law of correspondence. It is a sublime method through which energies flow from the higher planes to the lower ones. In the exercises, the corresponding higher principles are visualized ('superimposed') in the different parts of one's own body.

According to the approach given by the Sages, we should first become familiarized with the planes of consciousness and also gain mastery of our attitudes. Then we can apply Nyasa to parts of the earth, then to the twelve sun signs and the planets in the body. We can visualize ourselves sitting in the middle of the earth, meditating on the North Pole as our head centre and the South Pole as our base centre, the equator at the solar plexus and the Himalayas at the heart centre. We can apply this meditation to our vertebral column and realize its correspondence with the rotating axis of the earth.

This gradually reveals to us the work of the Masters, the Devas and the intermediaries between them and the human disciples. It connects us with their activities, frees our thoughts from personal influences and purifies us from individual shortcomings. In this way Nyasa Vidya lifts us out of our limitations. We come into contact with the collective minds on the earth and the consciousness of the different nations. The seeds of the different forms of consciousness begin to work within us and we come into contact with the brotherhood of all the many thinkers who work together in the spiritual network of the earth. They are slowly preparing us for cooperation.

In the throat centre we can contemplate all of humanity as one family; at the navel we contemplate the animal kingdom, at the sacral centre we contemplate the plant kingdom, and at the base centre the mineral kingdom.

In the heart we meditate on the Spiritual Hierarchy; in the Ajna Centre on Shamballa, which is hidden in the Gobi Desert. There, in Shamballa, is the Ashram of Sanat Kumara, the king of all planetary beings, and on his forehead is the magnificent gem of Chintamani. In the seventh centre, the Sahasrara, we meditate on the World Mother; she is the expression of the Father.

The Masters instruct their disciples and followers to practice Nyasa Vidya regularly and systematically, preferably daily. If we contemplate at least once a week for some time on the cosmic person, then the cosmic directions, the zodiac, the relationship to the planets, on Shamballa, the Hierarchy up to the World Mother, our body gradually gets accustomed to these planes.

In the microcosm of our body many intelligences are awakened, a power of thought awakens in us and the centres are enlivened. If we respect the activities of the intelligences that work in the universe and in us as well, then they will work better for us. We receive the support of the larger system to help us fulfil our little plans on earth.

We can also identify with the planets and the solar system, with the guides of the solar system, with the signs of the zodiac, the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. When we engage ourselves in this way, limitations no longer exist for us and we become universal.

Astrological Contemplations

The science of correspondence discovered by the ancient sages is very sacred. It is the basis of astrology and has nothing to do with astrological predictions. Here the outer Sun is identified with the inner Sun, which is our consciousness; Moon stands for reflections, for our thoughts; Mercury stands for our discernment; Venus for experience, Mars for vitality, force and power; Jupiter for comprehension and insight; Saturn for our instinct to preserve, Uranus for our fast expansion; Neptune for deeper experience, for inner merging; and Pluto stands for the end of things, but not our ending.

There are a variety of meditations that we can do regarding the planets and the zodiac. We can contemplate the planets in our centres: Jupiter in Sahasrara (crown of the head), the Sun in Ajna (third eye, middle of the forehead), Mercury in the throat (Visuddhi), Venus in the heart (Ahahata), the Moon in the solar plexus (Manipuraka), Mars in the sacral centre (Swadhistana), Saturn in Muladhara (base centre); Uranus in the higher Muladhara; Neptune in the higher heart centre; and Pluto below the base centre. This contemplation helps us to manifest the Plan.

We can also contemplate our birth chart in the body or the signs where the planets are in transit - Aries at the top of the head; Taurus as theface, from eyebrows downward; Gemini as throat and shoulders; Cancer as chest; Leo as diaphragm; Virgo as the part between diaphragm and navel; Libra as navel; Scorpio below the navel to the genitals.

Exoteric (personality-building) astrology assigns hips and thighs to Sagittarius; Capricorn knees; Aquarius calves and ankles; and Pisces feet. Esoteric astrology teaches that from Aries to Scorpio there is the descent of spirit into matter and from the second half of Scorpio, an ascent from matter is possible. Sagittarius is therefore located in the higher Muladhara, Capricorn in the higher heart centre, Aquarius in the higher third eye and Pisces in the uppermost part of the head.

The visualization of the planets in the body is a key to self-transformation and self-realization. Disorders are eliminated and past karma is neutralized, especially when we do it together with the Master CVV prayer. This makes us radiant and magnetic.

We can understand the timepiece as a miniature form of the zodiac and the revolutions of the planets. All twelve signs of the zodiac appear to go ‘round the earth once in each solar day and once in every solar year. The day is a miniature of the year and the year is a miniature of bigger cycles through centuries and Yugas. Each day is divided into four quarters of six hours each, beginning with sunrise. Sunrise corresponds to the waxing half-moon, noon to the full moon, sunset to the waning half-moon, midnight to the new moon. The new moon is akin to the nilness of the creation while the full moon is akin to the fullness of creation.

There are 14 moon phases between each full moon and new moon and they function as principles of the 14 (2 times 7) Manvantaras in miniature. The seven Manvantaras are found on the micro-level in the form of the seven days of a week. All the clues relating to the time cycles are hidden in the lunar phases of the Moon.

The periodicities of the various planets along the geocentric zodiac follow correspondences. For example, the annual Sun takes 30 days to pass through a sign. The Moon takes 30 days for a round and Saturn takes 30 years to complete an entire cycle around the Sun. The days of the Moon agree with the years of Saturn. This is the origin of the method of progressing the planets to read a horoscope. The seeds of karma sown speedily in one life in the subtler planes are reaped slowly through bigger periods of time in the more physical planes. The life that pulsates in us and in the universe is one.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Saraswathi. The Word. Div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India (www.dhanishta.org)