  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Inner Government


The Inner Government

What we will be tomorrow depends on what we do today. Our experience of the past gives us an idea of the next steps; we choose according to the level of our awareness. The choice of government also depends on the level of awareness. The collective karma decides the elections; they show the level of awareness for the next few years.

As human beings, we have self-consciousness. When we have developed enough awareness and conscience, we can govern ourselves. It is a process of learning. Self-government is essential. Then others do not have to tell us what we have to do. The average level of self-governance in a country decides the quality of its government. If the number of those who can govern themselves increases, the government will act accordingly. We are responsible for the governments. If the average level of awareness among citizens is not very high and the population suffers from corruption, we will get a corrupt government. A change of parties makes no difference, but when the level of general awareness changes for the better, we will get a better government. Therefore, education about values is important. A better government will bring more prosperity to the nation. In nations that do not govern well, people do not have enough food, even with rich gifts of nature.

Self-government is possible where there is the wisdom of the seventh ray. In the East, the seventh ray is called Swaraj, self-governance. Its central idea is: “I rule myself and let others rule themselves.” When others want our advice, we give it, but not more. That is wisdom and civilization. It is the message of every true teacher of Light. Love does not manipulate while power tries to draw others under its spell. Today, powerful governments try to hold the globe in their grip while others are trying to escape. When we rely on the Inner Master, this is a greater strength than relying on anything outside. With this kind of self-regulation and self-confidence we collect only what is necessary for our life and work. If we accumulate many things around us, everything becomes very heavy.

He who cannot govern himself becomes a slave of his desires and cannot govern a society either. Self-rule shall lead to self-rule of groups, communities and nations. As long as people do not develop the will to rule themselves, it remains a dream of a better future. There are self-ruling communities in different countries. Already Vasudeva, the father of Lord Krishna, took up the idea of self-governing. He abdicated as king to show people how to govern themselves: They cultivated the land, took care of the cattle, lived harmoniously with their fellow human beings, aligned with the divine and lived a simple, harmonious, holistic life. No one controlled the other. This kind of free will is very much cultivated in the higher circles.

Power and Spirituality

We had kings because we had to be regulated not to be a nuisance to others. Out of a love of freedom, people removed the authority of kings, but with democracy the same authoritarian principle of regency continued, often worse than before. Abuse of power is considered a spiritual crime and causes much suffering. But in times of crisis many people look for a strong man instead of self-government. The emotionally and mentally weak, however, are exploited by the strong. More than external governments, we need inner government.

Where there is power, also the shadow always exerts its influence. Power is not always black, but the places of power have to be transformed. In these places the shadow of the Atlantean energy is present. The path of Atlantis led excessively into the material life, and we too orient ourselves excessively there. We are unmindful of the catastrophes we are heading towards. But if we cultivate an inner development, we can balance the outer development. For this purpose, the energy of the seventh ray is especially invoked, and everywhere on the planet there are people who turn inwards to find the inner man. Later, the divine man can manifest through them.

The spiritual teachings and the spiritual way of life cannot be separated from the affairs of the world. Business and politics are of great spiritual importance; they determine people and help to bring forth the present civilization. There is no good reason for spiritual people to exclude politics from their thinking and acting. One reason for corrupt politics is that the spiritually minded have placed power in the hands of selfish and undesirable leaders. They have not assumed the leadership of the people as their spiritual responsibility. This true spiritual work is despised by those who regard themselves as superior to such affairs.

The powerful leaders of today have security guards with guns around them; they are not free, but trapped in their desire for power unless they are wise. No matter how busy a ruler may be with government business, he can still be a yogi within. This means that he connects himself internally with the divine and fulfils his obligations externally without neglecting any tasks. There were many king initiates who were ideal yogis.

According to the law of synthesis, man must move forward on both the physical and spiritual planes. All that improves and uplifts humanity at any plane is religious work. Spiritual people must not become passive, inert by-standers in regard to human evil. They must work for a better world, for cooperative good will and for spiritual principles applied to everyday life. Masters don't want people who only work with their mouths and constantly express opinions, but do nothing in society.

The Work of the Inner Government

The Masters are a group of people who have attained relative perfection. They are called the Spiritual Hierarchy or also the inner government of the planet because it acts like a government with different ministries. The inner government was formed according to the plan of Lord Krishna, the then World Teacher, 5000 years ago in the Himalayas. It is led by Lord Maitreya with Master Morya and Master Kuthumi as his deputies and Master Djwhal Khul as chief coordinator. Vidura was appointed as the Mahachohan, the Lord of civilization and good relationships.

This inner government, also called the Kingdom of God, is not an earthly government, but the rule of love and wisdom on Earth. These are qualities of the divine and of the human soul. The purpose of this government is to work in the subtler planes for planetary synthesis and transformation of the world. They are willing to help those who want to walk the path of truth. The members of this kingdom are those in every nation who, through their creative thinking and striving, are trying to create the right conditions. Their vision is to establish goodwill and right relationships through right group objectives and group relationships creating a group fusion into the greater whole. People call this vision by many names - Brotherhood, World Federation; the names do not matter. It is about improving general welfare, security, and opportunity irrespective of race, colour, or creed.

There are essentially four departments in the inner government: The first is that of Sanat Kumara, the Lord of Justice. He is the king of our planet, the archetypal one, an image of the Heavenly Man on Earth. The second department, of teaching and wisdom to enlighten humanity, is led by Lord Maitreya. He works with an army of masters. The third department, of Manu Vaivasvata, tries to give people better vehicles. The Manu works on the model of the human form. When the form is better, the inhabitant of the form has better possibilities, like a new car model offers better possibilities than an old one. The fourth department, of the Mahachohan, the trend-setting force, inspires better ways of life in society, especially in the big cities. He works for human rights and acts through governments. He gave the Romans impulses to build cities, roads and bridges, water and drainage systems. Today he does a great job and acts through millions of workers.

The New Group of World Servers (i.e. groups that serve the world) has the responsibility to cooperate with the Hierarchy. Through the work of Master Djwhal Khul, ten seed groups have been formed to promote all human activity - health, education, culture, government, teaching, economic systems, centres of thought and science, etc. Great progress is taking place at the subtle plane.

Today, the networking of Hierarchy is strong enough to resolve many crises and neutralize wars and disasters. We can only see what has manifested itself, but not what has been averted. The manifested events are not even ten percent of what could have happened. Our work is an attempt to provide more light through prayer and meditation and to bring the hierarchical plan of more social justice nearer to the thought planes of the governments. We are not taking sides with either side. The Light knows where to go and what to do.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Nutrients for Discipleship. Div. seminar notes. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India