  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Symbolism 2 – Numbers and Geometrical Figures

Energy Patterns

Symbolism 2

The whole universe is but energy. This energy forms the cosmos, the solar systems, the planetary systems and the innumerable beings according to a pattern, and according to these patterns the shapes occur. The symbols are eternal patterns, the classical designs that exist in the subtle nature. Things are shaped according to those patterns. Application of these classical design patterns upon mind helps us balance and regulate our system.

Among the shapes and symbols, the sphere and the cube are considered to be perfect. They are perfect in the sense that they do not suffer inversion. A sphere remains a sphere, whichever way it is placed. Likewise, a cube always looks the same. They don’t look different when they are upside down or when the left is to the right, or right is to left. High and low, left and right are always equal. A person who is not upset in any situation is said to be “on the square,” which means a perfect man, not easily disturbed or irritated, agitated, angered or frightened. He is a perfect symbol of man and a true image of God.

Ordering One’s Thoughts

There are other heavenly patterns and symbols, such as triangles, pentagrams, hexagons, and ovoids. They all carry regularised energies. Three-dimensional symbols that reshape our energy patterns include the pyramid or the dodecahedron. Contemplating on a circle with a central point, a triangle, a double triangle, a triangle in a square is a technique for ordering one’s thoughts. All these symbols are beneficial and suitable for meditation. Imagining perfect shapes and symbols and contemplating upon them are ancient methods to stabilise our psyche. When the energy is harmonized and systematized it tends to be magnetic and radiant.

In the East many more symbols are presented. The science of symbols in the East is so advanced that they have a symbol for every specific purpose. The host of deities that are conceived are symbols upon which specific sounds are applied at specific times, to achieve the specific purpose. The sounds, patterns, colours and the geometric symbols (yantras) with various combinations of triangles, squares and circles existed long before religions came into being. In earlier times, they were regarded as instruments with which one could give the psychic energy a proper focus, thereby bringing about healing and giving spiritual training.

The great initiate Pythagoras held the fourfold key of number, sound, colour and symbol to help, heal and teach people. Even mental disorders, which in ancient psychology included anger or resentment, can be cured with this fourfold key. When we learn to use these keys, wisdom unfolds. We are the lock, and the key must be applied to us. The keyhole is the heart. Heartfulness and conscious application enable us to unlock the wisdom.

Guidance from Within

But to unfold wisdom from within, it requires an integrated and well-disciplined personality. If we work with a symbol but our personality suffers from shortcomings and faults, then it may be that the weaknesses come forth. The symbol will bring out our unskillfulness and weaknesses. All sacred symbols behave in this way. For this reason, the symbols are only introduced but not explained in detail. The instruction comes from within. In the initiation temples, detailed teachings and explanations are never given. Those entering the inner temple are not “spoon-fed” but are presented with symbols that they have to unlock themselves. Knowledge is revealed to the extent that the symbol is deciphered. Master CVV says, “You need not feel compelled to read books. I guide you from within and repair your body. From within, I teach you the knowledge.”

If we invoke the Master and go within for 30-40 minutes twice a day in prayer, slowly the peripheral things disappear. Then we are guided from within and certain things are suggested to us. We receive impressions and hints that help us to solve problems in our life. They come like electric impulses. We are to take note and follow them. For this, it is helpful to write down the hints in a journal or a diary. Master EK used to receive detailed dictations in prayer, which he recorded and wrote down after prayer. Suggestions may also come to read certain books. Later on, we may also see certain shapes with geometric symbols, which are revealed to us with time.

This means the Master is working with us from within and he enables us to learn aspects of wisdom. The symbols reveal themselves to us better and better and we begin to realise the connection between the different systems, for example between astrology, numerology, colour and sound and yoga - all of these disciplines are connected. So, the Master gives the synthesis from within. After due time, it goes from synthesis to analysis and we then enter into different fields of knowledge. They are not separate sciences, as it may seem to us at first, and we don't have to learn them separately. Master CVV said, “I will accomplish everything from within you”. He strengthens the soul, and thereby the soul gains mastery over the personality.

Constructing Thought-Forms

Energy follows thought. The conscious construction of a thought-form is a scientific process to channel the energy. The symbol acts as a medium or channel to connect with the energy. With a symbol, a regular and continuous pattern is formed at the mental plane. The patterns are formed through sound and thus also receive their colours. This conscious construction of the thought form for its manifestation is called “magic”. Its application determines whether this magic is white or black. If the motive is evil, it is called black magic; if it is done with a motive of good will, it is white magic. The process is the same in both cases. In healing, the Sun or a Master of Wisdom is taken also as a symbol for the source of energy instead of an abstract form.

Numbers and Patterns

The four types of keys mentioned above - number, sound, colour and symbol - produce four modes of activity of the human mind. Numbers are symbols for potencies; sounds operate as consciousness; colour works as vibration; the shape of the symbol operates as thought. Numbers are not man-made symbols or ideas; they are the pre-existing potencies of nature. They are related to the other three types and we must also relate them to these, and also to the planets and the sun signs.

Numbers govern the patterns. In wisdom teachings, a circular shape is zero. A triangle is three, a square for four, a star for five, a hexagon for six, a triangle over a square for seven and a square over a square for eight. A triple triangle arranged one above the other is a nine. A zero with a vertical line within stands for ten. The numbers are given these symbols, which we call patterns. The application of sound to these patterns brings out the shapes.

Essentially nature is a triplicity - rajas, tamas and sattva, or dynamism, inertia and poise. These are the qualities of Nature, 4 are the states of the divine. 4 x 3 = 12. 4 + 3 = 7. 4 and 3 are the primary numbers at work. That is why we have triangles and squares as the basic geometrical divine symbols. All patterns of manifestations are conceived as triangles and squares, or their multiples. Basically, it is only one existence appearing as many.

The Circle with the Central Point

In the Puranic symbolism, the circle with the central point represents the rotating wheel which makes manifest THE LAW. Before and after a creation, this law remains concealed eternally in the background. This Law manifests itself to shine forth into objectivity through each unit of creation. Hence it is called the Wheel of Light, rotating at the tip of the index finger of the great Lord of Pervasion (Vishnu). It is also called the good vision (Sudarshana) since the circle is the shape of perfection among all the geometrical patterns.

When we draw this symbol, we usually see a circle with a centre point, although the symbol consists of three parts: The centre and the circumference of the circle are upon the background. The background is generally forgotten. But without the background of a blackboard or a paper, the symbol cannot be drawn. The circle with the centre means: THAT AM I. There is existence as the background from which consciousness emerges. Existence is the first state, consciousness is the second state, for it is a projection of existence and not independent of it.

Madame Blavatsky was advised by the Hierarchy to use the circle with the centre for meditation. All wisdom is revealed to us when we meditate on this symbol, the circle with the centre, because this is the Master Consciousness. The circle with a centre surrounded by an equilateral triangle is the emergence of the Trinity from the light of awareness. It is an invisible light, a light that makes other things visible. This light is the basis of all knowledge.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Mercury - The Alchemist. Div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: The Science of Symbolism. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India