  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Working with Colours: Orange

The Aura of the Sun


The Wisdom Teachings explain that our Sun is a globe of a matter which is seven times subtler than the matter of our Earth. The light flows to us from out of the background of existence via the Cosmic Sun, the Central Sun and our Sun. The intelligence that directs the sun globe is called Aruna and symbolically described as the driver of the solar chariot. It stands for the radiant orange light that we see during the twilight hours. Aruna represents the aura of the Sun and announces his arrival. This light is also called Amrita, the nectar of the Sun. As the Earth rotates, the planet receives this nectar all day. The seers highly recommended receiving this orange light of the dawn, so that we can work well through our bodies. The healers in ancient days conducted healing by invoking Aruna into themselves because brilliant orange is the wisdom and the life of the Lord. It cleanses inwardly and gives vitality. We can visualize the sunrise in us as the light rising in a valley between two mountains. It is the light of the brow centre between the eyebrows.

Whoever receives Aruna daily into himself is filled with light and life. It is the best method to cleanse our aura of confusing thoughts. By relating to this orange light, we allow the Sun’s aura to work through us. It is an expression of pure consciousness. If we visualize the aura of a person and perceive radiant orange colour, we can expect pure thoughts, a clear language and clean behaviour. For orange is the colour of the pure mind. This colour of the mind is connected to the fifth ray and has the quality of the fifth centre, the navel centre. Meditating on the orange colour for a long time gives clarity of thought and precision in the expression of thoughts. Purity of thought is the basis of right speech and action. Distorted thoughts, however, are diseases which express themselves as perversions.

The Colour of the Mind

The orange colour of the clear mind allows us to aspire for wisdom and experience it. For most people wisdom remains only a concept studied in books, a burden in the head, but they do not experience it. The experience of wisdom is connected to the golden yellow in the heart towards which the orange light slowly transforms. These colours help the mind to become more subtle and they build dynamic and vibrant energies around us.

An orange dragon or a five-pointed star is a symbol of aspiration towards wisdom. Orange is the ideal colour for the beginning of spiritual studies. For the contemplation on orange, we can use the symbol of a five-pointed star on the forehead. For this we can intonate the sound RAM. This will stimulate the will in us and give clarity to the mind. With clarity we can see and decide better. To get rid of old thought patterns and to cause a rapid transformation on the mental plane, the symbol of a fiery orange swastika inside a triangle is very effective. The sound of RAM helps with this.

RAM is the seed sound of fire, the sound related to the cosmic will. The cosmic will has the colour red; its reflection in the third chamber of thinking is orange. Orange is associated with a strong, fiery will; it gives a good vibration to the mind. Together with RAM, the radiant orange colour develops fire and burns the impediments of progress. When we act with a fiery will, we can achieve great heights.

Many people have a cold will. Any small excuse is enough for them to come out of a practice. Weak-willed people are recommended to contemplate regularly in the brow centre on the colour orange.

Protection from External Influences

A weak mind can also easily be influenced and can become victim of spirit mediums. It is mostly women, as they have a sensitive mind, who are susceptible to influences of disembodied spirits or not incarnated souls. They come easily into a kind of emotional trance and lower spirits can touch them. Some things of what the spirits say are correct, other things are not. The discrimination is poor. These spirits do not come near a person with a well-developed discrimination, they cannot influence him. We can heal people with such a weak mind by invoking much orange and chanting the sound RAM silently, since it calls in a tremendous cosmic fire and burns everything impure. In India, RAM is especially used to protect children who would otherwise be affected by elementals of the ambiance. When children go alone in dark hours, they keep chanting RAM and are protected by the fire generated this way.

Strengthening Will and Vitality

In India, children are first introduced into the mantra OM NAMA SHIVAYA and later into the alphabet. The five-syllabled mantra is related to the five senses and the mind. Its symbol is the five-pointed star in the colours red, orange or brilliant white. It is given to the children at the age of five before beginning the education. It helps to build a positive, dynamic and effective will, and the child grows up in harmony and in brilliance.

To utter the OM and then apply the dark orange colour of Kumkum with the ring finger on the forehead in order to stimulate the will energy is also not a superstitious religious tradition, but an old Aryan ritual with a strong impact. The ring finger has the energy of the Sun; the middle finger has the energy of Saturn. To apply the saffron colour of Kumkum with the ring finger on the Ajna centre, the will centre, has a stimulating effect.

In order to promote a pure mind, people in India also wear orange robes. It is a message that they aspire for wisdom and want to renounce worldly life. Although an orange robe is a support to keep the mind pure and free from negativity, it does not purify the mind by itself. Those who put on orange robes and try to renounce worldly life without striving for a pure mind are of no use for themselves or for the surroundings. Such people with long beards renounce their responsibilities and impose them on their parents, friends or the society. True renunciation refers to distributing the fruits that have been reaped by one’s actions.

The colour orange is recommended to stabilize emotions and to stimulate the etheric body. It removes congestions and enables the free flow of vital energy. In India, Lord Hanuman, the Monkey God, is worshipped in orange colour. His worship is the sixth ray key to overcome the dominance of the emotional body. Tuesday and the sixth moon phases are also related to the colour red-orange.

To contemplate on brilliant orange and the sound RAM helps to overcome with the time the depression of the mind and heal negative emotions, such as fear, suspicion, jealousy, etc. Homeopathy can also help to strengthen the mind with Argentum nitricum (silver); Aurum metallicum (gold) fosters self-confidence.

Brilliant orange also helps to get out of an addiction such as drinking or smoking. With drug addiction, it is best if the person concerned visualises the colour themselves and uses OM. If addicts want to get out but cannot, we can assist them by visualising the colour. In some cases, homeopathic remedy Opium in high potency helps, together with OM. However, if they do not want to come out, we can do nothing.

We can also develop the will by attuning it to the divine will daily. This can be done by developing a precise rhythmic action which honours the time to the minute. One key is to invoke the Master regularly at exact times in the morning and in the evening, to speak the invocation ‘Namaskarams Master CVV’, to feel him in the heart centre or in the brow centre, and to observe what is happening inside. It is recommended to keep an orange colour diary and to note there the experiences and thoughts that come during observing. We should implicitly follow the teachings that we receive during the prayer.

Transition Assistance

In the room of a dying person, when there is no hope of recovery, an orange light should be installed. Orange draws the energies to the head and helps the soul to gather and depart. In India, an oil lamp with its orange flame is placed behind the head as a further support of the recently deceased person after the last pulsation. Music of single-stringed instruments is particularly suited for the transition.

It is also useful to exercise Reiki to the dead body for restoring peace and balance to the body cells. Within 24 hours, they eventually begin to fall apart. The helper can clean himself by visualising the orange colour within and around after having taken a shower.

Sources: K.P. Kumar: Healer’s Handbook / Mithila / Notes from seminars. Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Psychology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India