  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


Mahat, Magha and Magic


Today, there are many Hollywood movies in which magical elements play a role. Often the movies also contain scientific themes that deal with the transformation of matter in an imaginative way. This is not a coincidence but comes from the impulse of the seventh ray, which guides the magical work. It is also no coincidence that many innovative technical developments come from California, as the seventh ray Master is particularly active in this region. The Americas have been considered a land of magic since earliest times. The west coasts of North and South Americas with the Rocky Mountains and the Andes running along belonged to the magical land of ancient Lemuria. During the Lemurian times, the descent of great beings from the highest circles occurred in this area. To this day, there are highly spiritual places, and the mountains on the west coast carry significant vibrations of the Lemurian knowledge and the related magic.

In Sanskrit, Mahat denotes the basis for the magic of creation which transforms the seeming nothingness into the apparent universe. Creation constantly appears from the invisible and disappears again into seeming nothingness. The visible world is an illusion from a higher point of view. It emerges from the magic of the five elements which, however, is not the reality. It is true to us as long as we are in it.

The terms Mahat, Magha and magic all have the same root sound. Magha is the name of a constellation that is in Aquarius. We have entered the Age of Aquarius; it is the magical age in which the secrets of visibility and invisibility are unlocked. The Aquarian centre in us is at the top of the hairline. It is the centre from where the invisible becomes visible and the visible becomes invisible. There we can connect to the higher planes and perform the magic of connecting the three higher planes and the three lower planes of creation. The greatest magic is to discover the whole cosmos in us.

It is no wonder that new groups are now experimenting with these concepts. A new dimension is opening up rapidly, and it is appropriate that we familiarize ourselves with this dimension and consistently connect to it. Otherwise, we will remain in the old age and with the old habits.

The knowledge of sounds, colours and symbols will be broadly available in the future in order to purify, heal and uplift people. The magic of sound is regarded as the best of all magic. Sound causes a rapid transformation of the body cells and purification of the throat. This automatically purifies the three lower centres as well. This subtle knowledge was available to the Indians and Chinese in Asia as well as to the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs in America. In the East this knowledge was called Tantra and in the West magic.

The Mayans were also called Mágicos and later Mahicos. 'Mexico' is a distorted version of Mahico. The Mayans were masters of the knowledge of time cycles. They knew the secret of the cyclic and periodic movements of time, and they were familiar with the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Venus. They built huge pyramids where profound rituals were performed for equinoxes and solstices. The symbol of time is the serpent; serpent worship is the worship of time. Everyone who knew the time cycles was called a magician.

The Seventh Ray

The magical work refers to the subtle world that immediately precedes the visible world. Sri Aurobindo calls it supra-mental; Master Morya calls it supermundane; some other circles call it transcendental. The subtle world is more easily attained when one relates to the sacred places, develops friendliness with the related energy, and transforms the matter relating to oneself, thereby transforms one's own mind which is filled with this matter.

All rituals, magic and ceremonial order belong to the seventh ray work. Master Djwhal Khul says, “The seventh ray can bring in surprising and magical results.” The limitations that we are not able to overcome can be easily overcome by applying the rhythm and order of the seventh ray, because when we work according to a system, it creates tremendous power. To apply the principle of the seventh ray, we should create a schedule for the daily recurring events and voluntarily follow it exactly. Thus, slowly the will awakens in us; this is not achieved by external compulsion. Master CVV suggests a very simple way of life, based entirely on the rhythm of the seventh ray.

The seventh ray of rhythm gives the knowledge of how we can tune into the nature. To do so, we need to understand the rhythms that occur in nature and work out with the help of our intuition how to follow them. By consciously following a rhythm, we build up a thought pattern in a regular and continuous manner and consolidate it on the thought plane. As energy follows thought, a channel is created for the influx of the energies.

Black and White Magic

The conscious building of a thought for manifestation is called magic. If the thought is based on a motive of good will, it is called white magic. If the motive is selfish or evil, it is called black magic. To exercise power and control over others is a sign of black magic; this also includes using financial and political intentions to exploit the psychological weaknesses of the common human being and to create desires. Today, business is usually done for one's own profit rather than for the well-being of the society; much of what is undesirable is virtually encouraged. Much evil is also produced by undermining the values and good principles of humanity. However, spiritual disciples are advised not to pay much attention to black magic in order not to draw energy to it. The essential quality of the white magician is love. When love prevails, everything is neutralized. Wherever we hear of black magic, we should think of the Hierarchy and transmit much love and compassion to those affected. Where possible, we should also ensure that the affected persons come out of the ignorance of the black magic.

The first step in white magic is to gain clarity about our higher and lower self. In the next step, we try to align ourselves from the personality to the soul and maintain the connection. That is how goodwill can be expressed through us. We already contribute to the white magic if we avoid unnecessary speech and we do not create confusion on the thought plane.

It is important to build a lighted personality; the soul is the vehicle for it. We are the soul that radiates out of itself. When the soul, in accordance with the Supersoul, expresses itself through the personality into the world, then we speak of white magic. For this, the mind of the soul and the mind of the body have to be interconnected because the program of the soul is much greater than the program of the body.

White magic is the magic of light that transforms people who otherwise are in darkness. Darkness stands for ignorance; light is another name for knowledge. To a self-realized person magical knowledge reveals by itself; but if we learn magic without having the master key of self-realization, we will be led into the personality and misjudge many things. A person who is full of power can be blinded by it. Pride is a means by which well-meaning people can turn to the black path. Self-related motives keep us stick to the personality; selfless motives lead to white magic.

The work of white magic is to change ourselves. Many are busy forming groups to change the world. But we are not equipped for that yet. It is important that we equip ourselves well, so that good will can manifest through us. The white magic is perfect when we become a channel for the higher forces to descend, and become a channel for the lower kingdoms to ascend.

Lifting up the Earth

Here and there we find people who transform themselves into a Master. Great work is done through such a person. But that is not enough to lift up the planet. There are so many initiates on the planet who live in physical bodies. They do an excellent job. But it is not enough to realize the Kingdom of God on earth. This is only possible if a substantial part of humanity builds the bridge to the soul.

Uranus presides over the related transformations. He stimulates the seventh ray to re-establish the law and the ceremonial order and to bring about the forgotten science of magic. The seventh ray supports the Uranian endeavour to unite spirit and matter enabling the manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth. It is simply the be-ness that causes the upliftment. It is the Divine Presence that uplifts the consciousness of the human beings, that is, the Avatar of Synthesis. May He lift up the Earth to the Kings of Beauty.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Master CSG. Notes from seminars. Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Overseas Messages. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India.