  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


Working for the Future


Many people dream of a new age, a golden age. They believe in it and see it in all the developments happening in the world. Others see the decline of morality, the decay of law and justice, the poor quality of governance, the ever-new conflicts and wars that take place ceaselessly in various places around the globe. These groups are deeply disappointed with human behaviour.

Both categories of people express their dimensions of reality. And so, humanity has to decide which way to go, either for development or for demise. We are the creators of our future. We lay the foundation for the future of humanity with what we think and do now. If humanity succeeds in letting its dreams of the golden age descend into the thought plane, the thought plane around the planet will be cleared of much debris. When the golden thoughts of the new age flow into our actions, they will enable the manifestation of the golden age.

We are in a time where we should work for the future. Our own future and the future of those who are connected to this kind of thought and who are embarking on this path. With our modest contributions we are working with the Hierarchy and helping to manifest the plan for social justice on a global scale. We are working for a new order to emerge and for us to have a strong, just state when the time comes.

Injuries through Injustice

What the rich, the poor or the so-called middle class understand by social justice is viewed quite differently by different groups. Each group feels that what they feel is social justice, and so, there are all kinds of different worldviews such as capitalism, communism or socialism. After 1945, economic, political and social structures were established that are less based on justice and more on selfishness. The general energy with which the masses have been governed is through power and the corresponding corruption. Injustice prevails. The rich take things into their pockets and propagate injustice as justice. The intellectual and intelligent people regularly exploit emotional people who are not so intelligent. The emotional people feel that injustice is being done to them and there is deep hurt in them.

From a higher point of view, it is necessary to understand the deep pain of these people, and to heal their hurts. We also need to recognise the causes of this situation, otherwise the pain-producing activities will continue. On the one hand, many things are wasted in modern societies; on the other hand, many people do work in low-paid jobs just to survive. Jobs such as washing, cleaning, and caring are undervalued; even caring for the sick is not economically valued.

When we waste something, we should embrace the idea of thinking of the whole. There is great power in that idea. We cannot be irresponsible towards one part of life. We are responsible to humans, animals and plants, also to the air and water. With every use comes responsibility. How much pollution is happening? This awareness of responsibility will bring about a necessary change in us.

In nature, things move slowly. We are in the inner processes of transformation. We are not working for immediate results but for a future manifestation. This is the time of preparing the seeds, not of the harvest. There is a lot of movement in government policies and governments are beginning to enable social justice. However, what social justice is exactly is known only to a few rulers of the world. The justice that man seeks is not the justice that nature seeks.

The Ideal of Social Justice

Esoterically, the world is governed by Hierarchy. From the point of view of the Hierarchy, justice means finding a common denominator where the apparent opposites can meet. A higher understanding is that the energies of synthesis are transmitted so that the apparent opposites complement each other. The ideal of social justice is to include the good of all. No extremes of capitalism, communism or any other “isms” are required for this.

The globe belongs to all and we are all “prisoners of the planet”. Free movement for humanity on the globe cannot be restricted. But for some parts of the planet there is a free flow, for other parts the flow is restricted. When the blood cannot flow freely in the body, disease develops. When there is illness, an effort arises in the body to restore health, and we have to help bring forth the necessary adjustments through food, rest and sleep. Healing means that we ensure that life flows unrestricted and in greater abundance.

We need to pay attention to what is happening on the planet. Wherever there is injustice, there is imbalance. So, on the planetary level there is also a need for balance. Adjustments are being considered by the New Age planets, Uranus, Pluto and Saturn, and they are well thought out. We can imagine these planetary considerations quite well.

Oppression and violence will no longer be tolerated. Influencing others with the power of intelligence or exercising brutal act of power are acts of ignorance. Such acts of injustice will Such acts of injustice will strike back at perpetrators because Uranus works very effectively with the principle of the boomerang.

If we have a personal, selfish motive in making decisions, we will suffer in the long run. When we see injustice or corruption, we should be aware that people cannot escape the law of karma. Only actions that are impersonal are free from karma. We should not think that harmful decisions made by people in power have no effect on them. The knowledge of time is not perceptible to ordinary people, but the initiates know it and notice the effects. The path of the Law is very subtle and difficult to understand.

There are so many things that need to be balanced. Our task is to keep reminding ourselves of the need to balance the forces within ourselves. For us, the immediate step is to make sure that we put our own house in order. That is, we must subordinate our activities to the goals and intentions of our soul. As a soul, the goal is always to manifest Divine Will, Divine Knowledge and Divine Activity.

We can manifest intelligent activity by intelligently using and redistributing the resources of Nature. In doing so, we bring about justice for the surrounding life. We can act intelligently to uplift our environment, humans, animals, plants, minerals and even the planet. Since the soul is self-conscious and radiates from within itself, we are able to do this. The possible obstacle is our personality. It must be subordinated to the goals of the soul. We should be patient in this, develop the appropriate inner programme, see the external situations and then wait for the right time to act. Justice prevails in the long run; patience is the key; tolerance is the virtue.

Our work is also to see, through prayers and meditations, that social justice as conceived by the Hierarchy is brought closer to the minds of those who work in government. In this way we are not directly involved with the policies of the governments. We stand apart to bring social justice as understood by the Hierarchy closer to the mental planes of the governments. We are not here to take sides. Our work is an attempt to provide more Light. The Light knows where to go and what to do. The vision is justice. Justice is another name for balance.

Invoking the Shambala Energies

We should feel the unity of humanity and call upon the Shambala energies now more than ever, for more justice to prevail. There should be a win-win situation for all, that is, we wish for a justice where all can win and not one single view dominates over the others. As citizens and as groups engaged in goodwill work, we all know that the human failure today is mainly the failure of governments. There are few politicians who work well, but they do not have much to say globally. When those who matter at the global level give in to so many interests, the difficulties remain. That is why we need to invoke more Shambala energies now for more justice.

We all expect purification, but when purification happens, we are afraid. If we are righteous, we can take the purification with a positive attitude and stand firmly in the light. Nature takes care of the righteous and the just; they will experience salvation. This is the principle of the nature of righteousness. Without righteousness we cannot attain the Path. Shambala and the Hierarchy are doing their best to protect. We should be grateful to them and try to be as just and righteous as possible with our inner alignment. Gratitude is the most important quality of righteousness. Gratitude lights the fire in the heart.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age; div. seminar notes. Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India (www.aquariusbookhouse.com).