  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.


Involution and Evolution


Evolution determines all manifestation; it is an eternal cycle of becoming. All beings in creation are evolving. Why this is so, no one knows, but so is the divine will. The evolutionary process continuously reveals the stupendous Plan of Deity - the progressive unfoldment of life from mineral to plant, to animal, to human, and finally, to the spiritual kingdom. What lies beyond the spiritual kingdom remains hidden to man, just as the human state of awareness remains a sealed book to the animal. The goal of evolution is ultimately known only to Deity.

Energies manifest themselves incessantly and dissolve again. During the phase of descent, of involution, spirit takes on denser and denser matter. When ascending out of matter, called evolution, matter becomes finer and more subtle, and the spirit shines forth. Involution is the development of forms, evolution is the refinement of forms towards translucent forms, etheric forms, causal forms. The higher planes have more light and less matter; on the lower planes matter prevails and there is less light.

We can experience seven gradations of matter and light. For this reason, we have seven centres within us and a body of seven tissues. There are also, generally speaking, seven planes of consciousness. In the mineral kingdom consciousness sleeps; in the plant kingdom it dreams and in the animal kingdom it awakens. In the human kingdom it becomes self-conscious.

In addition, there is an evolution of the planetary, solar, and cosmic beings. We the humanity are the fourth kingdom of nature and the middle of evolution. As we evolve, we come into contact with the higher kingdoms.

The Masters of Wisdom work for the evolution of the planet. They try to stimulate the minds of the society in a constructive way and especially the foremost thinkers in order to give the world a better understanding. Their intention is to promote the evolution of individuals and thereby advance human evolution. Thus, they bring human evolution into harmony with the solar plane and the cosmic Plan.

Not all living beings can attain a human form. The human form has a much greater potential than that of an animal or a plant. It has even greater possibilities than the form of the devas. Planetary devas cannot touch the physical plane, the solar devas cannot even descend to the planetary state, and the cosmic devas even less so. These intelligences need a human form if they want to touch the ground. There are many stories where angels come down in the form of humans to fulfil certain things.

The human kingdom is a stage of evolution that we must cross and move beyond one day. But first we go through numerous rebirths, where nature gives us the opportunity to rectify and improve. When we make mistakes, nature is not angry with us; it is always oriented toward progress. If we fail 1000 times, it gives us 1001 rebirths.

Up to the human stage, evolutionary progress is automatic like the blossoming of a flower. The beings of the lower kingdoms of nature have no choice and therefore no individual karma. But we humans have received free will and the related freedom.

Divine Man and Animal Man

Esoteric science does not agree with Darwin's theory that man has evolved from the animal kingdom or that the monkey is our ancestor. This theory refers only to the evolution of form; it cannot solve many questions. According to ancient wisdom, man first came to earth and then the other living beings. According to the theory of Darwin, Mendel and Lamarck, the primitive lower beings came first and gradually developed, and man is the final. The evolution from amoeba to man is guided by chance. For the spiritual theory first explained by Madame Blavatsky, evolution is a double process of descent and ascent. It is not guided by chance; man is also not the highest, as one can easily see from wars and destruction. On the spiral path we still have a long way to go.

The human body has evolved from the animal kingdom, but not man. Man is divine; animal man is his vehicle; we are a double being. The soul has descended into form; it is neither born nor does it die. The lower mind, the vital body and the consequent emotions as well as the physical-etheric form belong to the mortal form. The human form is the result of a great work under the direction of high deva intelligences. They belong to the first group of teachers in nature. They brought atoms to development and the latter became the first group of disciples.

Later, in Lemurian times, there was a second descent. It is the descent of the Super-Soul into the human ego, the soul on the Buddhic plane. The soul cannot descend to the consciousness in the human form. There is a gap between them. But the presence of the Super-Soul helps the soul in the human form to work out its evolution. Thus, it can slowly return to its source, the spirit.

In primeval times, high initiates, God-men, came down to earth as kings and priests to help humanity and give it the Law. They showed the animal man how to cultivate the land, tame animals, build houses and live in communities. Whenever the need arises, the immortal divine beings come down to restore the Law, and they continue to help humanity.

Taking Responsibility

Our spiritual development does not happen automatically, it has to be stimulated by ourselves. Depending on how we use the will, there is evolution, involution or stagnation. Therefore, human birth is a critical point in evolution. The history of human evolution is full of suspense, crises and climaxes. We shape our destiny ourselves; our deeds bind us in further births. We have a great responsibility, because as humans we can rise to the highest realms or disregard the natural law to the point of self-destruction.

With such extreme possibilities it is important that we hold on to a thread that gives us orientation and help. This thread is that we dedicate ourselves to serving the surrounding life. Service is an indispensable step on the evolutionary path. There is no evolution however, just by doing service. We need to relate to the Divine in others and then serve.

We cannot reach the higher planes just like this. We need to work a lot. The more we progress, the more responsibility we are given. If we abstain from responsibility, there can be no progress.

The Masters work as the “Pathfinders” of evolution. To receive their advice, our readiness is necessary. Everywhere and at any time we can receive their guidance, provided our mind is ready to receive it. Depending on our stage of development, we receive impulses from within. We may first be able to follow the Master for some time and then for some reason slip away from our intention because people attract us or things happen that we did not intend. We therefore need the help of the Master so that we remain on the path without deviating.

The Spiritual Hierarchy comes closer to the people who are seriously trying to enter the subtle world. This is the intended next stage for humanity. At least one seventh of mankind should come to the point where we are helpful to other beings. We have blocked the evolutionary process by getting stuck in the outer world of materiality. For many centuries people have been stuck without any significant development.

Acceleration of evolution

Therefore, it was decided in the highest circles to speed up the evolution on all levels. At the beginning of the 20th century an energy descended onto the planet, the Aquarian energy of Synthesis. It was received by Master CVV and distributed on Earth. Master CVV said, “This energy will help to prepare faster and more effectively channels for the Light.” The Hierarchy will be strengthened so that the Plan of Light can be manifested. The Aquarian Energy begins to work from within. It works so quickly and effectively that conflicts are accelerated and inherent weaknesses are brought out and healed. Differences between races, nations and communities are shaken and barriers are broken. Humanity is experiencing a roller-coaster situation. In every area old and outdated structures are destroyed. New structures more appropriate to the progress of life are being built. What is of value is preserved, others are mercilessly destroyed. Every activity is accelerated. We can do things much faster than in the past and travel faster than ever before. Technology has brought the world together; all are oriented to the electronic age. There is also an increase of heat and fire.

Evolution is penetrating the remotest corners of the earth and also the mineral kingdom; this is leading to a manifold use of minerals and metals. Everything tends to become lighter and more transparent. All this is due to the effect of the Energy of Synthesis. The evolution continues.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Nutrients for Discipleship. Div. seminar notes / E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual History of Mankind. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India