  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

Crises and Development

Crises of the Solar Angel


At the beginning of creation there were many great crises where the developing creation was almost extinguished again. As the Indian Puranas narrate, however, high beings saved the creation from destruction. There are many stories about how Narada rescued the creation through his intelligent activity.

In the early days of mankind, in the mid-Lemurian period, a great crisis occurred when the Manasaputras, the Sons of Wisdom, awakened the mind in the animal man. This made us self-conscious, thinking persons and therefore we can think “I AM”. The soul that we are in our essence is part of a great being. It is also called Solar Angel and in the Vedic system Vasudevaya. In each of us, he works as an individual soul. It is as if in the water of a river there were thousands of glasses and in each glass there was water. As the Solar Angel descended into the personality, he experienced the crisis of individualization: the one soul appeared as many souls. This was part of the great Plan to implant spiritual light into the human beings and make them self-conscious. Two qualities were held back: spiritual love and spiritual life.

The Solar Angel is now again approaching a time of crisis and reorientation. When he realigns himself, everything that is lower than him must necessarily also realign itself to the new order. Now it is a matter of the many becoming one again. The first initiation gave birth to the I AM consciousness. The second fertilization of humanity prepares us to overcome the human limitations and to bring forth the consciousness of THAT I AM. From the viewpoint of the Hierarchy, there is an urgency to inform people and thereby allow them to orient themselves towards spiritual love and life, so that these qualities can emerge.

Today’s blossoming of the human mind indicates that the Solar Angel makes his presence palpable within humanity. The Solar Angel also goes through an initiation and has decided for a new, faster rhythm. We call this the influence of the Aquarian age, and we too should adapt to the new rhythm. Whether we like it or not, we are being transformed. It is a crisis in which personalities must give way - or be broken. We can ascend to a higher level and be reborn in spirit.

But there are also groups of old souls on the planet who have missed earlier opportunities for development. They are now continuing here and are causing more problems than being cooperative. Such a situation must not arise again. Also many aspirants lose themselves too much in unessential things. We should not play with spiritual concepts, but put them into practice and focus increasingly on the soul. This is of great urgency.

Planetary Crises

If we look at the last hundred years, we are technologically far advanced, but humanity is more inclined to the ignorant and unreasonable energy of Atlantis than to the wise side. The decline of Atlantis has been caused by excessive objective manifestations at the expense of subjective growth. We are currently turning to similar patterns. The Hierarchy has, therefore decided to form groups for whom inner development is important. The energy of the seventh ray was invoked and transmitted to the people. As a result, there are groups all over the planet that have recognized the need to turn more inward to find the inner man and later the divine man. If we make an inner development, it can withstand the outer development and achieve a balance. If we only live an outer development, we will get into a deep crisis and catastrophes.

The work of the violet ray brings to light the hidden diseases of the planet and of humanity. The Masters of Wisdom say that all the crises we see on the planet were previously hidden within us and in the world. Wars, catastrophes, crises, and diseases as well as the corresponding pain bring things to light that need to be learned: this is how a process of healing happens. The law of karma finally brings back the pain to those who hurt others. If we do violence to nature or if the developed countries exploit the less developed countries or export garbage, this comes back in another way. The countries responsible for ongoing crises, such as those in the Middle East, will also receive their karma for this. Crises and diseases contain a message that we should change our habits.

Learning through Crises

In everything that happens, there is a hidden purpose of evolution. In every problem, there is a gift that reveals itself as soon as the problem is addressed and solved. If we refuse and repress the problem, it becomes bigger or comes back after a while, and the gift is withheld from us. The gift is a development of consciousness. He who learns moves forward, i.e. his consciousness expands. Every step of development is preceded by a corresponding crisis. If there is no crisis, the soul normally sleeps in the personality. In deep crises we can develop faster; we grow beyond ourselves to overcome the crisis. In such moments we can better understand our being and an initiation can take place.

The touch of the energy of the Master also causes crises in the beginning. Things like financial crises or strokes of fate happen to cleanse us of our past karma. Through the crises, the Master trains us. If we worry, we interrupt the thought of him and we drown in our emotions. The Masters can only help us if we ask them to do so. They respect free will and do not impose their help on us. So they wait and wish all the best. Especially in times of crisis we should stay in deep connection with the Master consciousness, keep a constant vibration and not stop with our exercises and prayers.

If we are affected by conflicts, there is a corresponding energy in us. If we do not have a corresponding theme, we will not be affected. By accepting the crisis and seeing the divine in ourselves and in the crisis, we get the right thoughts and guidance. Prayer and patience are very helpful. Every crisis has a certain duration; with time, it dissolves again. There can be personality crises that might last for years or run throughout life.

Through self-centredness we create crises in which we are cooked. Accumulating knowledge, power or wealth for oneself certainly brings crises. Their message is that we should distribute. Selfishness, pride or the tendency of controlling others are like a shadow following us. Crises slowly “burn” individual consciousness; they allow a greater consciousness to emerge in order to initiate the work of the soul. All crises serve to orient the personality to better things. Their message is: be above the crisis and view it as an observer. Then link yourself to the universal energy. We are always connected to it, but when we are attuned to it, it becomes stronger and we can grow beyond the crisis.

Many crises also arise when different opinions collide. For example, we see or read the news and worry about a possible danger. We think that one side is right and the other is wrong. On the plane of thought, this contributes to the manifestation of the incident which actually would have been avoidable. As seekers of truth, we should keep away from views and opinions and remain neutral witnesses without prejudice. We should invoke light and transmit it to both parties so that what is good for all can happen.

Neutralizing Crises

If we want to be workers of good will, we need to know what is going on on the planet. We are mostly busy with our own little lives and do not care much about what is happening on the planet. But the possibilities of the internet or other media can be used for the work of good will as well as for other purposes.

Individual crises, as well as planetary crises, can be neutralized with the help of OM. In the ashrams OM is uttered with a lot of intent to purify the planet, neutralize crises and restore peace. In its magical work, the Hierarchy uses the sound OM to embody ideas in thought forms. These embodied forms are sent out to connect with the minds of the disciples and to reach areas where they are needed. This way, many crises were neutralized and the effect of provocations that could have caused serious incidents was averted. An average mind cannot see the incidents that have been avoided, but the Master sees them.

Group work is much more appreciated by the Masters of Wisdom than the work of an individual because the effect is greater. Our group prayers have helped to resolve many crises on the planet, for joint prayers do not remain without the corresponding positive impact on the globe. When we are together and we intonate the OM seven times, it rises up and spreads everywhere to bring the needed harmony. This subtle work requires humility and no self-promotion.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: Uranus. Notes from seminars. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India