  • Wisdom for practice
  • Wisdom is applied knowledge
  • Wisdom spreads itself

Wisdom for practice

Wisdom is for practice, not for continuous speaking. If we keep on speaking about the Masters, the Rays, and the Hierarchies, we are only missing our duties for the present.

Wisdom is applied knowledge

Knowledge, when applied becomes wisdom. We gain a lot of knowledge, but it has to be applied in daily life, then it transforms itself into wisdom. Through wisdom we will experience the existence.

Wisdom spreads itself

We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels.

The Aquarian Age

Vernal Equinox in Aquarius


The earth rotates on its own axis, bringing forth the four cardinal points of the day - sunrise, noon, sunset, midnight. The apparent path of the sun within a solar year also marks these four points: winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice and autumn equinox.

Similarly, there are the four points in the cycle of the apparent movement of the signs of the zodiac. Due to the slow spinning movement of the earth, the tropical zodiac used in astrology shifts in relation to the visible starry sky of the sidereal zodiac. The vernal equinox, defining the beginning of the tropical zodiac with 0 degrees Aries, moves backwards by one degree in 72 years in relation to the sidereal zodiac. The equinox therefore needs 2160 years (30 x 72) for the 30 degrees of a sign of the zodiac, and it takes about 25,920 years to pass through the 12 signs of the zodiac (2160 x 12). This is also called the Great Year.

The movement of the vernal equinox through the signs of the zodiac expresses the character of the respective period in world affairs. During the journey through Aries there was the Arian Age, followed by the Piscean Age. According to the vision of leading spiritual astrologers, the equinox entered the 30th degree of Aquarius from Pisces at the time of the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837. It was the dawn of the Age of Aquarius. Victoria was the first queen to recognize the futility of conquering countries and wanted to stop it.

Descent of the Aquarian Energy

Towards the end of the 19th century, Madame Blavatsky foresaw that at the beginning of the 20th century an energy would come to uplift humanity and to usher in the Age of Aquarius. Some of her followers then prepared Jiddu Krishnamurti as a pure instrument for receiving the energy. But the Divine had other plans. The descending energy was so strong; the higher circles decided that the energy could only be received by the Agastya Ashram. Agastya, the Master of the Nilagiri Mountains, also called Master Jupiter, always came to the rescue of the Hierarchy in situations of crisis. And it was decided that the energy would touch the planet in Kumbhakonam (temple city in the state of Tamil Nadu, India). The name of the place means 'Aquarius Angle'. There is an Adi Kumbeswara Temple, and the lake where the energy entered is still considered very sacred today.

Master CVV, an advanced disciple of Agastya, was chosen to receive the energy. He decided to be born in the same place that the Aquarian Energy had visited before. He was born in Kumbhakonam in 1868, 42 years before the descent of the Energy. Until the descent, he led the life of a Raja Yogi, full of splendour and fulfilment. He knew that the energy was touching the earth and that he would receive this energy.

At the midnight of March 31, 1910, when the tail of Halley's comet touched the earth, there was a strong thunderclap over Kumbhakonam and the energies struck the Master's house like a mighty lightning bolt. He sat awake in the antechamber of the house, ready to receive the energy of the comet. The energy penetrated him and was absorbed by him. This is not possible for a normal person.

The people of the surrounding area ran to him, thinking that the building had been destroyed and its inhabitants killed. But they found the Master in deep contemplation and he radiated bright light. Then they retreated. In the morning they visited him and asked him for an explanation. The Master said, “The energies of the New Age have come. I have invoked them into me and in due time I will distribute them to mankind.”

For 60 days he kept the energies with him. With the help of his wife, he conducted many experiments to find out the main properties and goals of the Aquarian energy. He discovered that it can transform matter very quickly and stimulate the Kundalini, and he called this energy “the Master”. Whenever we speak of “the Master” we speak of this Aquarian energy. He also recognized that the intention of the energy is to transform the body of the people and to anchor them in the etheric body. The energy accelerates the changes in such a way that the matter of the human body becomes lighter and lighter. People will be able to fly with the help of the etheric body and they will experience deathlessness and continuity of consciousness beyond incarnations. The energy accelerates evolution on all levels, in the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. He could experience all this during the period of experimentation.

On May 29, 1910 Master CVV began to distribute the energy. He gathered six people and initiated them into the energy. Master CVV said that every May 29th, the MASTER may call those who want to enter into the energies of synthesis. Since then, every May 29th is celebrated as the day for group initiation and it is commonly called “May Call Day”.

The Sound Key

Master CVV broke with all the traditions of the past and he issued a simple method of transformation that leads to the transcending of death. He introduced a prayer to be uttered twice daily at an interval of 12 hours. This is how the practice of 6 o'clock in the morning and evening came into being. We can choose another time that suits us, but we should not change it. What is important is that consistency is maintained. In prayer we utter the sound C. V. V. consciously and not mechanically and we feel either in the heart centre or in the brow centre that the Master is present. We then allow the energy to work within us for 15 minutes, observing the inner movements as the transformation takes place. If we notice any instructions during the prayer, we should write them down and try to follow them. Within a short time, we will experience many changes.

The Master's promise is that whoever utters the sound key CVV will experience rapid changes in their system and the blockages that hinder the free flow of energy will be eliminated. He demands three things from those who are willing to work with him: To think of the needs of others more than one's own needs; to see in every being the manifestation of the first energy; to invoke the sound CVV regularly and to live in simplicity. This should be maintained for at least 12 years. His promise is that he will lift us up into pure states of experience of consciousness.

Master CVV declared himself as the first channel for this energy on the planet. He is the transmitter, not the giver. Halley's comet, acting as a messenger, also brought the energy to earth. The supracosmic impulse descended via Varuna (on the supracosmic plane the Mother Energy, which becomes Uranus on the cosmic plane), and further via Sirius, via Regulus in Leo, and then via the comet. This event cannot be compared to anything else. It is the Avatar of Synthesis - the descent of the Energy of Synthesis, which was brought into our system by Sirius in triangular work with the Great Bear and the Pleiades. This energy represents the synthesis of all energies. It dissolves apparent opposites, neutralizes diverging points of view and brings to light a common understanding. As a result, humanity will reach unity in a few thousand years. To work out this synthesis within us, there is the invocation of the Avatar of Synthesis.

Multiplication and Acceleration

In order to act quickly for humanity, Master CVV decided to multiply into 1000 channels and prepare 1000 mediums for the transmission of the energy. They should serve humanity in a cycle of 240 years. These mediums receive valuable scientific information to elaborate the consciousness of mankind. It began with a very small group and has now become global, as predicted. It is expected that all who follow the path of Master CVV will be transformed into mediums for the transmission of energy. His scientific way of working will first be known in the West. The Aquarian Energy will go first to Europe, then to South America and North America and then return to India. This is how it has happened. India could not receive the energy immediately because it was too burdened with its traditions and the energy could not be accepted so easily there.

Since 1910 there has been a tremendous acceleration of activity on the planet. Since the descent of the Aquarian Energy, every decade we experience the progress of an earlier century. All the electronics that have been created are due to the action of this energy. Master CVV demonstrated 18 times on himself and his disciples the transcending of death. He said, “In the future you will live more in the etheric body than in a body of flesh and blood.” The Master distributed the Aquarian Energy for 11 years, 11 months and 7 days until May 12, 1922, when he left the physical body as announced, but continued to work through his mediums. He has settled in the ether around the planet and can be invoked as Aquarian Energy through the sound key CVV.

Sources used: K.P. Kumar: The Aquarian Master. Div. seminar notes/ E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology. The World Teacher Trust - Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India